Steve: U.S.A.
Jaimee: South Africa
George: Swiss
Anderson: Trinidad & Tobago
Anna: U.S.A.
Eszter: Hungary & Germany
Josef: Faroe Island
Simone: Swiss
Fabian: Germany
Rebecca: Austria
Elyse: Madagascar
Micha: Germany

Thursday, December 10th we left the ship with luggage to last 5 days, then we drove for almost two hours to the YWAM (Youth with a Mission) camp in Parika. Our 12-person team's goal was to help with different building projects. When we arrived in the small jungle town, we were given a tour of the YWAM property, our cabins, and went over the plan for the rest of the day. We wanted to play an evening movie in our rec. center (two-story cement building pictured above still under construction) for the neighbors. So we broke off into small groups after I gave a local boy a ride in a wooden pull trailer. My team took one section of the street and visited about 15 homes and spoke to locals, asking them to come to watch a film. Everyone who was home made us feel very welcomed and one Hindu lady took us inside and gave us tea made from tree bark. We handed out a Gospel of John to every house and most people took it and thanked us for coming. By the time we all finished and head back to camp it was time to start the movie and we had a turn out of almost 100 people from the neighborhood!