A group of 4 of us took a ride into Trench Town this morning for service which started at 10am. First we spoke about ourselves, where we're from, and our specific job on board. Then Tom and K.C. gave an evangelism presentation that required the participation of the congregation that showed the condition of missions today across the world. After they finished, I went up to speak about how God directed my steps into missions and attempted to encourage those who may be interested in spreading the Gospel in unreached areas. Lastly, Ashley preached on 2Tim 3:16. He really touched the hearts of those present while he made his emphatic point on the importance of scripture and it's divinity. After service, the church members met with us and fed us delicious homemade food including perfectly cooked ox tail, chicken, Jamaican rice, and plenty more. The pastor (picture above beside me) was such a humble and kind man. One of the younger men told me that Bob Marley was born just down the street.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Church in Trench Town, Jamaica.
A group of 4 of us took a ride into Trench Town this morning for service which started at 10am. First we spoke about ourselves, where we're from, and our specific job on board. Then Tom and K.C. gave an evangelism presentation that required the participation of the congregation that showed the condition of missions today across the world. After they finished, I went up to speak about how God directed my steps into missions and attempted to encourage those who may be interested in spreading the Gospel in unreached areas. Lastly, Ashley preached on 2Tim 3:16. He really touched the hearts of those present while he made his emphatic point on the importance of scripture and it's divinity. After service, the church members met with us and fed us delicious homemade food including perfectly cooked ox tail, chicken, Jamaican rice, and plenty more. The pastor (picture above beside me) was such a humble and kind man. One of the younger men told me that Bob Marley was born just down the street.