Sunday, March 28, 2010

Logos Hope saw huge response in Kingston, Jamaica.

An estimated 2,000 people in line the last Sunday night to board the Logos Hope.

Kingston was by far the busiest port the Logos Hope has visited in it's one year of ministry. The picture above explains just a little bit of the immense amount of people excited to come aboard. We were allowing 100 people on every 5-10 minuets that night and the wait was still almost 3 hours from the end. The line, which stretched far down the road in the most industrialized part of the city, had to have at least 25 people from the ship for crowd control.

-Visitors: 135,758
-School kids: 19,000 in programs, and around another 7,000 straight to the Book Fair
-Books sold: 341,666
-Bibles sold: 14,150 (on two Saturdays we sold more than 1 Bible per Minute that the Book Fair was open!)

International Cafe on board:
-32,000 Popcorn sold
-27,000 Ice Cream sold