Friday, May 14, 2010

5 Days in Basseterre, Saint Kitts & Nevis.

12am we left Antigua and arrived at Basseterre about 6 hours later. Short voyages are definitely nice, especially before our 10 day Atlantic crossing! The ship will only be docked here from Friday morning to Monday night. There are two islands and St. Kitts is larger with the majority of the population; which is still way less than 100,000. The other island, Nevis (long "e") will be transporting almost every school kid over to our ship via ferry. Notice the tall, green mountain in the first picture ascending into the ominous clouds...that is a dormant volcano. In fact, the entire island looks as if it was formed from it. Because of the extreme steepness in the middle of St. Kitts, mostly all residents live on the perimeter of the island, traveling by what is the only highway here that loops around the edge. One interesting fact about the capital city of Basseterre is that you'll never see a traffic light while driving through it, which makes walking across the road a bit like a life-size Frogger game. Sunday I will be going to a church for the day and have the opportunity to speak to over 300 people with the focus being on the local youth. Speaking of a church team, I was on one in St. John's, Antigua but still haven't posted any pictures as of yet because of photo issues. Hopefully you will see them up here soon with a complete description about my time there.