Green, green, and more green: Friday morning we arrived at a destination I've never even knew existed before joining the ship and coincidentally the most "Caribbean-feeling" of all our stops this year thus far. The interesting terrain reminds me a lot of St. Lucia with its abundance of hills and little mountains poking up sporadically across the horizon; a snorkeler's
and hiker's dream because Antigua (combined with its sister-island, Barbuda) boasts 365 beaches. Although that may just be a catchy marketing ploy they tell people, it seems like a legit figure to me. The first noticeable thing different from our last port, Bermuda, is the humidity; and I don't think I
missed it at all. Besides sweating, I spent my day off exploring St. John's while mingling with the locals, telling them about the ship and encouraging all to come aboard during our 10 day stay. Even though Caribbean culture can be a bit intimidating at times, the people have been extremely friendly and welcoming. We've only been open one full day and have already seen an amazing number of visitors. The population including the island of Barbuda (Don't worry, not too many people have ever heard of Barbuda, either) is roughly 85,600 and I wouldn't be surprised if we see close to 50% of the country spend some time aboard the ship. Tomorrow I will be going to an evening church service and taking part in a kid's program. I'm a bit rusty with the children songs and games because the last time I've done anything like that was in Trinidad...um September. Wow, I've been on board now for 8 months!