Saturday, May 22, 2010

Roseau, Dominica (Domineeka) Arrival!

Tuesday afternoon around 3pm, the breathtaking island of Dominica was in view from the ship. Our very last stop of our Caribbean journey before sailing across the Atlantic to west Africa. We first docked at the industrial port for the ship's Sabbath days where we all took some much needed time for rest. We then shifted Saturday morning over to our port where we will be open to the public for the next week and a half. During our first evening in Roseau, the Logos Hope is putting on a live Christian music show for the city which has been advertised throughout the island for weeks; we are expecting large crowds. Dominica is a very special place because there are not many tourists or much industry here at all; the entire island feels incredibly pure and natural. I will be leading a church team from the ship as well as a group that flew in from Atlanta this Sunday, which one of the men from that group will be preaching.